PLAST MAT - Innovative solutions for the industry

PLAST-MAT was the new satellite-show devoted to innovative plastics solutions, within the Hall devoted to raw materials at PLAST 2018.


Biocompatible plastics, bio-based polymers, regenerated materials, recycled and recovered materials, with a strong focus on environmental sustainability

Composites, tecnopolymers, polyurethanes, highly technical products and components, particularly addressed to the industries of automotive, aeronautics and aerospace, medical and electronics, furniture and buildings, with great attention to advanced technical performances.

Break-through themes, developed thanks to the exhibition of highly innovative materials, semi-finished and finished products and components.

Cooperating partners

PLAST-MAT was ideally and physically connected to IPACK-MAT, synergic and parallel project by IPACK-IMA, that was hosted in an adjacent Hall.

Both the initiatives were organized in cooperation with Material ConneXion Italia.

The aim was to offer a meeting place to companies offering and looking for advanced solutions for the design and manufacture of products, both in innovative plastics materials (PLAST-MAT), either in other materials and for the packaging industry (IPACK-MAT).


For further information, please contact PLAST Secretariat:

  02 82283743


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