Today September 30 the reserved area has been activated for applied exhibitors in order to verify stand allocation proposals...
It is here available FIERA MILANO Protocol concerning people safety in relation to the current health emergency, established in compliance with authorities and already implemented in the first exhibitions held in September 2020...
After the suspension of all non-essential activities due to the Covid-19 pandemic, organization commences for PLAST 2021-international exhibition for the plastics and rubber industries, taking place in Milan from the 4th to the 7th of May of next year.
Complying with the current emergency situation and respecting travelling restrictions, PLAST 2021 promotional tour goes on.
PLAST 2021 promotional tour moves to Moscow.
From January 28 to 31 you may find us at INTERPLASTICA 2020!
PLAST 2021 has brought its promotional tour to India!
PLAST 2021 promotional tour moves to Riyadh.
PLAST 2021 Team again on the road! We start our promotional tour in Turkey this week...
After the very good records of last edition, PLAST Organizing Secretariat announces the next dates, from Tuesday 4 till Friday 7 May 2021, at the Milan Fairgrounds, in Rho-Pero.
It is here available the statistics resume with the main figures of our exhibition...
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Website under update