Solvay to award special bonus to employees for efforts during Covid-19

Wednesday, November 18, 2020 / Published in Exhibitors' news

Solvay announced that it will devote a portion of the cash generated this year  - up to 16 million euros - to provide a special reward to all non-executive employees worldwide in recognition for their efforts throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. This special bonus comes on top of the group’s yearly bonuses and will be paid out before the year ends.


“I am delighted that we are able to reward our people for their hard work over a very challenging period,” said Solvay CEO Ilham Kadri. “Our record cash generation over the past 6 quarters, and our efforts to cut costs and focus on what is essential, are thanks in large part to our employees who worked diligently from home or showed up everyday onsite to make essential products, as all  our plants remained operational throughout the crisis. Our employees demonstrated their dedication, particularly by reinventing some of our production lines to develop products that help fight Covid-19. This special bonus is one way to express our heartfelt appreciation.”


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